Calgary Canada Mission

My 18 months as a sister missionary speaking Spanish in Calgary!

Monday, April 20, 2015

The Lords Hands

Hola familia
My week was an adventure for sure. So this week we kind of a couple cool experiences for sure. So on Wednesday Hermana Morgan and I were driving around trying to find less actives houses (with maps on the phone it is super hard). We could not find the houses anywhere and the ones we did find they didn't answer the door. So we decided to just go walk down the street. So we did and as we were walking was saw this house and Hermana Morgan was like "I think that the Bishop's house" So we decided to go and say hi and see if they had any service the would like us to do. So we knock on the door and the bishops daughter answered it. She is inactive and I don't think her family are members at all. She was so cute and so nice. She invited in but we had an appointment so we had to go. But she said that she wanted us to come back for lunch. I don't know why but it was the best experience ever. We were able to give her a "because he lives card" and our phone number. She is seriously the cutest! It was the best because I had been praying so hard that I could find someone that Heavenly Father needed us to find that day. So then we had companionship exchanges and I went with the other Spanish sister who is an English sister right now because she is a sister training leader. She is the best really she is. We taught two lessons and in one of the lessons it was the best thing in the entire world. I felt the spirit like whisper to me to say something. I was super scared but I did and the lady we were teaching just stopped and said "thank you so much I needed to hear that. Thank you" Being the lords hands is the best feeling in the entire world. Seriously it totally is. I love the members in the ward so much! I can't even tell you they seriously are the best! Yesterday was incredible too. After church we went to this members house for dinner. It was so amazing because we weren't going to go because we didn't have the address and it was just us none of the elders where going. But I just felt like we should just call. So we did and the member was surprised but said "ya come on over" She spoke perfect English even though she is in the Spanish ward. So we went over there and we talked to her forever! It was the best thing ever she is seriously so sassy and the funniest person. I love her! Then after we shared a message with her and it was incredible. The Spirit was so strong. She shared her testimony with us and I started to tear up. She explained some trials she is going through and it was just incredible to be a comfort to her. So be a representative of the savior because in that moment that is what Christ needed us to be. After we walked out I felt to so good. I was like that is why there are missionaries. We are here for so many reasons and last night at that moment the Lord needed us to be a friend. Ahhh I can't explain to you it was just so good. I am so glad that I listened to the Spirit. That we both did. Hermana Morgan's testimony was so beautiful too. She has an incredible testimony. I love these people so much! I can't wait to continue to serve the lord and be his hands. I love you all have an amazing week. I am trying super hard on my Spanish but keep praying for me. I know the gift of tongues is real and I know that this is the Savior's mission. I love him so much!
Te Amo!
Love Shay/Hermana Allphin

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